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Tonjac HTTP-Tunnel Crack License Keygen


Tonjac HTTP-Tunnel Crack Free [32|64bit] * Tunnels can be created for a session or for a sessionless communication model. * The default (adminhtml) interface allows you to create the client- and server-sides of the tunnel. The second interface (tunnels/create) allows you to create tunnels for a sessionless communication model. * You can create a tunnel for a web page or for a specific file. * You can create a tunnel for a single IP (or IP range) or for a specific IP. * You can connect to an existing tunnel. * You can connect to a created tunnel via either a proxy or your own webserver. * You can create tunnel in a 'on demand' or'started on boot' mode. * You can configure the tunnel to use TCP or UDP. * All communications are encrypted with SSL-proxy support. Features: * HTTP * Proxy Support * Auto Dns-taming * Setting up a tunnel for a site/service can be done from a browser (tested with Internet Explorer 7,8,9) * A full blown admin interface is available. * You can access the interface via https (secure connection). * You can create and control a tunnel via an apache webserver (http2sock/http2d) * The service can serve "Admin HTML" and "Tunnels HTML" pages (defaults are 8080 and 8080). * You can set the service to start either with system or service start/stop command, from command line, from programmatically with WMI etc. * Create a tunnel for a website can be done from an http-tunnel-controller web page (a html version of the console tool) * The service has a "daemon" mode which allowes you to start it automatically at system start. (easy if you use this in combination with the daemon mode on windows.) * A system service can be set to start when the system start. * The service has a "systemd" mode which allows you to set the service to start with start.service on linux. * You can set an alternate dns entry for the service. * You can select an alternate port for the service. * You can set up a service to run on demand/start on boot/start on run etc. * Lots of settings and options * You can use "Next client test" to test connection to a tunnel. Tonjac HTTP-Tunnel Crack + Activation X64 8e68912320 Tonjac HTTP-Tunnel Crack+ Torrent (Activation Code) n is a number of bytes of the key. M is a MAC-address. n is the key length in bits. M is a MAC-address of the client. n is the MAC-address of the server. PORT_DESCRIPTION The listening port of the http2sock service. If you start http2sock from a command line without specifying a port, the service will automatically start on the default port "8080". SERVER_SSL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION If you setup http2sock to listen on SSL, the admin html interface will not work. USAGE For the server side, the init procedure is http2sock --init http2sock -p 8080 The client side is http2sock --init http2sock -l -p 8080 to setup a sessionless tunnel create a clientside with http2sock --init http2sock -l -p 8080 -d to setup a session tunnel create a clientside with http2sock --init http2sock -l -p 8080 -s Where is the number of bytes of the key. For a clientside tunnel the server must send you a key and MAC-address via an HTTP POST request. You have to answer with a HTTP POST request with the length of the key provided by the server and the MAC-address provided by the server. The key should be constructed as: Key: || KM[,...] || HEX( || ) || KEYMACRO Where is the number of bytes of the key. is the mac-address of the client. || ) is the hex encoded version of || You have to reply with an HTTP POST request where the length of the key provided by the server is included in the payload. Examples: To create a sessionless tunnel with a clientside http2sock --init http2sock -l -p 8080 -d 8 To create a session tunnel with a clientside http2sock What's New in the? System Requirements For Tonjac HTTP-Tunnel: *Minimum configuration: Older: DirectX 8.0, Windows 98 Windows 7 MacOS 10.4 (Panther) or higher Newer: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) or higher *Note: Currently, this game is unavailable for Windows XP and older. Only Windows 7, Vista, 8, and newer are supported. *Note: System requirements vary by computer platform. Windows XP/Vista: In addition to running Windows 7

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